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FIFO | residential mine site | high visibility | reflective work pants

Relocating for work: the pros and cons you need to consider

I moved to Townsville by myself, relocating from Toowomba to work for BHP. In hindsight it was the best thing I’ve done and I wouldn’t change it for anything. It helped me become more social when it came to work and the new friends I made, became family. Some great advantages was that it was easy to save money living remotely and I became a part of the small communities I lived in

– Claire Aitchison, Operations Lead at Co Gear

National Safe Work Month, workwear safety

Advocate For Change This National Safe Work Month

No hat no play! We’ve heard it as children and it still applies in adulthood today. At Co Gear, we are advocating the importance of National Safe Work Month, and the incidents that can easily be prevented through the knowledge and education of WHS procedures.

Co Gear | womens trade workwear | ladies hi vis | uniform workwear

We’re Moving: New Warehouse For Our Women’s Hi Vis Workwear

With the expansion of our company and our steady growth, we knew it was time to update our current digs to our own warehouse. Being the leaders in Women’s Hi Vis Workwear and specialising in Women’s Hi Vis Maternity Workwear, we wanted to have our warehouse local – giving us more control over operations and customer experiences.
FIFO mental health, women in mining and construction

Conquering Mental Health Issues For Fly In Fly Out Workers

Mental health can often be viewed as a “taboo” subject, creating barriers and fear around opening communication channels to have those (sometimes tough) conversations. This is something Co Gear is passionate about breaking down in the workplace and community, along with external factors such as discrimination and workplace bullying.
women's workwear pants, women in aviation

The Sky's The Limit

Last week I had the chance to chat to up coming aviation star and go getter, Ellen Polacsek. Ellen is a part of Women in Aviation – The Australian Chapter (WAI), an amazing organisation that Co Gear has previously collaborated with - creating a scholarship to support aviation students.  We absolutely applaud them for the support, encouragement and opportunities that they give women to advance in the aviation and aerospace industries.
ladies workwear | Hi visibility jacket | tradie work pants | workwear pants

How Co Gear collaborates, connects and creates!

Collaborations are an integral part of the Co Gear business and a key element to our success. We listen, we think outside the box and we create innovative women's workwear that makes a difference. Working along side BHP has opened so many doors for us and created opportunities to connect with the working women that Co Gear was created to support.