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imposter syndrome at work, Co Gear work pants

How to recognize and overcome Imposter Syndrome

“Now the reason why my uniform affected my confidence was simple. It was because it was a man's uniform, a uniform made for the person who “should” be doing this job. So, it's pretty safe to say when my Impostor Syndrome was working overtime it was easy for me to say "I shouldn't be doing this job. I'm playing dress-up in men's clothing for a man's role after all."
womens workwear

Unisex workwear doesn't sit well with us. Here's why.

Companies will argue that there’s “unisex” options available but how inclusive are they really? Is it not just men’s clothing that’s been labelled as an afterthought to “include” women? Well we think it’s a dismal excuse to gloss over the elephant in the room. Unisex industrial workwear is not designed with women in mind.
How to balance work and study

10 Tips for Surviving Work and Study

It’s not easy to work full-time and commit to study. Studying is time-consuming and mentally draining and is probably the last thing you feel like doing after a long day at work. But, if you want to get ahead in your career without losing your income, studying can get you there.