This week we celebrate Mental Health Awareness week and we are encouraging all women to reflect on their individual needs and take steps to improve their overall health. 

At COgear we believe that feeling included and being comfortable at work impacts on a woman’s emotional and mental health which is why our products are designed for women, with features that allow women to be their best during every stage of her life.

Remember it’s about the small daily changes we make to our lives that will make the biggest impact. Focus on one thing at a time and make the small changes count.

Here are some tips for practising self-care for your mental and emotional health:

  • Stay connected with your family friends.
  • Make time each day to unwind and focus on activities you enjoy. If you are busy/have dependents, even 10 minutes on an activity you enjoy can be grounding.
  • Create a daily list of self-care acts that you can do daily (for example 30 minutes of daily exercise; eating healthily, practicing gratitude, or focussing on positivity by challenging negative thoughts).
  • Schedule in your health appointments (preventative health is important for mental health).
  • Pay attention to your mood. It can be helpful to take notes to see if there are any patterns or triggers for your stress. That way you can find ways to overcome or prevent them.
  • Create good sleep habits. Sleep deficiency can lead to physical and mental health problems. Many adults need 8-10 hours of sleep each night.

If you or anyone you know is experiencing severe or distressing symptoms impacting on your daily life, do not wait until they become more overwhelming. Seek help immediately.

Stress management

Finding healthy ways to manage stress is so important.

  • Try adding some exercise, deep breathing exercises, journaling, listening to music, dancing, etc. to your daily routine.
  • Learn more about the differences between stress and anxiety and coping mechanisms here.

Seek support

According to the Black Dog Institute mental illness is very common, with one in five (20%) of Australians aged 16-85 experiencing a mental illness in any year. The most common mental illnesses are depression, anxiety and substance abuse.

  • This fact sheet here details more about mental illness, including mood disorders and gender differences.

If you are feeling suicidal, depressed, anxious, or concerned about your mental health it is important to seek help immediately. Lifeline’s 24-hour crisis support service can be reached on 13 11 14 or see a GP, psychiatrist, or a psychologist. Further support resources are listed below.

For 24/7 counselling and support (numbers are free or the cost of a local call):

  • Lifeline – 13 11 14
  • Suicide Call Back Service – 1300 659 467
  • Kids Help Line – 1800 551 800
  • Alcohol & Drug Info Services (ADIS) – 1800 177 833
  • Queensland Health – 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84)
  • Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia (MIFA) – 1800 985 944
  • SANE Australia – 1800 187 263

If you are concerned a friend or loved one is at immediate risk of suicide or self-harm, dial triple zero (000) and ask for an ambulance.

  • Your Mental Wellbeing website is a free website which is loaded full or tips to help you remember to make time for you and improve your mental and emotional health.


This blog is general information only and should not replace information provided by a trained health professional, such as your GP.

Candice van Rooyen
Tagged: mental health